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Subject: unlock the topic
Replies: 37 Views: 1419

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 04:22pm
why did you rush to lock the topic befor we could reply? *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:05pm
If u notice; Whenever Halman wants to reply to a topic he creates a topic titled reply to and names the topic he wants to reply to. So if u have something to comment on fine with me, infact I want u guys to reply to it. Coolit when he made a topic did the same thing, he told us to create a topic and reply or comment on a topic that he had already posted. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 06:13pm
Coolit when he made a topic did the same thing.... when was this?

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:16pm
so @ unquiet1 DON'T think for a moment, that I making topics, posts and statemenst and then, trying to hide or withold u guys from giving ur view or comment on what has been said. On the Contray, I want u guys to reply. So create ur topic titled 'reply to A Call to JW' and make all ur comments there and u won't have to worry about me deleting them, I won't be like Coolit and do that. You are granteed that ur topics and ur posts will be there forever as long as this site is up and active. *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:19pm
The reason I lock my topics is to keep my group organized and structured. *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:21pm
Yes he did it. If he made a topic and we make post in that topic that he created to publish a structured believe of ur organization, he deleted them and then lock the topic. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 06:24pm

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:28pm
About a year now or maybe two, my username at that time was 'n_nick23' and I had a brother also whose username was 'fabanio' and we use to study with Coolit on a regular basis. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 06:34pm
you've had a grudge all this time ? and you wanna get your revenge on witnesses? lol.GIF *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:39pm
Why would u say that? No JW have every done anything and even if one or two did, that still would't make me dislike them. Infact it's the very opposite I love Jehovah Witnesses. I have some friends who are JW and I studied with JW and ALL of them are really nice people. And I admire the zeal that u guys have when it comes on to studying the scriptures, so I think u have it all wrong. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 06:42pm
you wanna take revenge by locking the topics you made about witnesses... *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:45pm
However, even though u guys are sincere in ur teaching the scriptures, I believe ur sincerely wrong about many things: Such as: (1) Jesus didn't have a physical body after his resurrection; thus is second coming to the earth who be a visible one, (2) Denying Jesus Deity, (3) that Only 144,000 people will go to heaven; but the rest will live here on this earth and some other things. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 06:47pm
''I have some friends who are JW'' .... but you keep changing usernames and copying and pasting from anti Witness sites bout and pasting it as topics about Witnesses on here? *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 06:48pm
''I have some friends who are JW'' .... but you keep changing usernames and copying and pasting from anti Witness sites bout and pasting it as topics about Witnesses on here? *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 06:49pm
why not discuss things with your frens who are Witnesses...? *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:51pm
On the otherhand, u guys believe that we who don't believe those teachings are going down the wrong road. And u guys are appealing to the rest of the world to accept those teachings and come to understanding of truth when u guys go around from house to house each day. So similarly, with my understanding of the scriptures I shouldn't be wrong for me to make an 'a call to JW' who I believe is going down the wrong road. *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 06:52pm
Who tell u that I don't witness to them? I do and most times I see them struggling and saying they will get back to me and they never did. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 06:56pm
why dont you go house to house and witness to every1 else then? *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 07:00pm
Note: me locking my topics have nothing to do with taking revenge on JW, I just refer to a senario with Coolit, that if it wasn't wrong for Coolit to lock his topics when he made a structures topic, then it shoudn't be deemed as something wrong when If I lock my topic as well. Secondly, I told u before that the reason why I locked my topics is to have an organized group. Notice first I created a Topic, now we have a follow up topic where concerns are raised on the previous topic created and those concerned are discussed. I don't see nothing wrong with that. *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 07:07pm
Who tell u that I don't go from house to house? I not only go from house to house, but I go to other churches, plus I do what I can here on prodigits. And, I'm being honest, the fellowship that I belong to do not go house to house as we are suppose to, but that doesn't mean that we are not God's people. You guys have the misconception that because u go house to house signifies that u are God's choosen people, but let me tell u, going house to house doesn't make one faith the true faith, because the Mormons equal go house to house, yet that still doesn't prove the are the chosen group. *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 07:11pm
1 Timothy 3:15 says we will know God's People; God's Church because it's built on the pillar and ground of truth, it didn't say we will know them by 'looking at those who go house to house' we will know them because they are standing on truth. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 07:15pm
copying and pasting from the anti witness websites that are out to misrepresent Witnesses and make them look bad... thats to have an organized group right..? *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 07:19pm
i dont recall saying or even hinting that going house to house means Witnesses are Gods ppl.... mate if you and your church really knew wot your whole denomination wouldn have any trouble going house to house teaching teaching ppl about Jehovah God and his son Jesus and the good news of the Kingdom *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 07:21pm
1. Jehovah the God of the Bible is the Truth (Isaiah 65:16).

2. The Bible in its entirety is truth (John 17:17).

3. The Law of God is the Truth (Psalm 119:142).

3b. All Ten of the Commandments are Truth (Psalm 119:151).

4. The Man Christ Jesus Saviour of the World is the Truth (John 14:6).

5. The Holy Spirit that inspired the writings of Scripture, he is Truth (1 John 5:6).

The Holy Spirit Guides the seeker to the Truth (John 16:13).

Summarizing what we have learned. In the the above passages. I have therefore, define Truth according to the Scriptures and in putting all that together here is what we have.
- If you believe that Jehovah is the true God in contrast to all the other so calls gods. AND if your are basing your beliefs on the Bible and the Bible only as your rule and faith and practice, and everything you belief is what the Bible really teaches. AND your are led and guided by the Spirit of Truth. AND you exercise faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour from sin and its penalty. AND you are keeping not Nine, but All Ten of the Commandments. Then you can rest assure that you have found the Truth.
- However, if what you, your fellowship or Church believes is contrary to what the Bible defines as Truth, then you are not in the True Church; based on the Criteria of the Truth set out in the Scriptures.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
(John 8:32) *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 07:26pm
are you SDA? *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 07:28pm
I'm sorry my friend; but u can preached and go from house to house from now till Jesus Comes back. If u, ur fellowship or organization is not base on the simple foundation of truth as defined by the scriptures itself, then u are not in the true fellowship. And I ain't saying that if u or anyone who didn't know and stood on the truth as defined by the Bible then they will be lost. NO the Bible teaches that God judges a person by how they live up to the light they have. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 07:29pm
copying and pasting from the anti witness websites that are out to misrepresent Witnesses and make them look bad... thats to have an organized group right..? *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 07:37pm
I hope I don't sound to harsh. And if I am, then I pray that the Lord may forgive me for proclaiming what i believe to be the truth as found in God's Word in an unkind manner. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 07:44pm
unquiet1 14 minutes ago
copying and pasting from the anti witness websites that are out to misrepresent Witnesses and make them look bad... thats to have an organized group right..? * *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 07:51pm
Tell me what's wrong with the statement? And using the word 'ant' doesn't make it a bad thing. Because Mormons would called u guys 'anti' Mormons and most of what a Jehovah Witness believe is contrary to what a Mormon believe and if was to quote from one of ur guys publication, a Mormon will also say, 'that me quoting from a anti Mormon' group' wouldn't cut it. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 08:16pm
theres a difference between saying wot the bible teaches and teaching junk about other faiths and targeting them. *

unquiet1 9.04.11 - 08:19pm
now tell me mate, copying and pasting from the anti witness websites that are out to misrepresent Witnesses and make them look bad... thats to have an organized group right..? *

elijah_2 9.04.11 - 11:44pm
Quoting from anti JW sources does discredit one has being apart of an organized group. JW has done and has been quoting from anti trinitarian articles and scholars, to try and discredit a beileve held by orthodox Christians. *

halman 10.04.11 - 08:59pm
That's not the same,since it's about a distinct doctrine and not aimed at a particular faith. Jehovah's Witnesses don't go on the internet and make slanderous remarks or forums about Catholics, Protestants, Seventh Day Adventists, Christadelphians etc. Our literature deals with various subjects and you've seen it as you've read the Trinity brochure. Your reasoning doesn't stand.
If the SDA is the truth to you, then carry on.As for unquiet1 and I,we shall serve Jehovah as his witnesses - Joshua 24:15 *

elijah_2 11.04.11 - 07:04am
@ Halman... We are humans, we will never see things eye to eye, but leaving you with this closing thought.

Jesus Christ taught and live the truth. He came down from heaven for three main reasons. (1) To Clear up the misconceptions people have about God, he said, 'If you see me you have seen the father also' a lot of people had it that, God was this Big mean and angry being that is up there waiting for us to do something wrong to Zap us. But on the contrary, we see Jesus the tender loving shepherd who will go the extra mile to save a lost sheep. And Paul said, that Jesus is, 'the express image of the Father's person' The Father is everything that Jesus lived and taught. (2) Jesus came to give us an example of how we are to live, he said, 'I have given you an example that you should do as I have done unto you' (3) Jesus came to be the Saviour of the world; our substitute, he said 'the good shepherd laid down his life for his sheep, and he went on to say, 'greater love has no man than this, to lay down his life for a friend.' And now he stands at the door of everyone's heart and says, 'behold, I stand at the door and know, if any man opens the door, I will come in and dine with him. But the fact is, he will never invite himself in unless he is invited by that person. *

elijah_2 11.05.12 - 01:34am
Locking the topic doesn't mean i am hiding from a response. I lock the topics in other to keep my groups organized. If u have a response to a particular topic or comment that i made; then simple create a new topic and title it response to or answer to - then name the particular topic and make ur comments. And u don't have to worry about me deleting topics or comments, because i am not like that. I believe persons are to see both sides of the coin, so they can make a fair decision. *

halman 11.05.12 - 10:09pm
The closing thought is the same as how we view God and Jesus.Nothing trinitarian there,since Jesus reflected perfectly God's qualities in a man.After all,Adam was made in the image of God,& Jesus is the last Adam who remained faithful to Jehovah, whereas Adam didn't. Another point about Jesus,is that it is Jehovah who draws us to Jesus,& in turn we can then approach the Father through him. Jehovah is the God of Jesus,whom he worships and serves. As I said to you before,if you believe you have the truth,then follow it. Me,my declaration of faith is,that Jehovah's holy spirit is with His name people & Organization on earth. Jehovah will have His name declared in all the earth,just as He said,and Jesus Christ oversees his congregation in doing that work. *

elijah_2 11.05.12 - 10:35pm
Ok you have made your point and you have taken your stance in the issue. However, i won't debate the issue. However, i will be explaining to you in some what details as why Jesus has a God and a Father in Bible Studies Group. *

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